

Latest News

Check back often for the latest news as we update the beginnings and soon current happenings through the adoption!


  Today we are chasing two papers one only Marcos can get done and had to travel for while I work on three documents from home. It was partially successful with one out of the remaining seven half completed! Way to go Marcos!

It has been difficult to put up Christmas decorations missing our kiddo and storing all his new toys from loved ones in his room. We appreciate your prayers.

Our son sent us a picture over Christmas but we cannot post any online until the adoption is final. He is smiling next to his sweet teacher Alevtina and surrounded by little Christmas trees. He writes that he loves us and misses us and looks forward to us becoming his real parents soon.

Our focus today; Trusting God and asking for wisdom.

Comical moment; my hair was pretty comical today.

God Moment; God reminding me its ok to cry when I feel like it and that He loves me.

We love you guys and will keep you up to date from here! God Bless and goodnight!


Well we have one document now half done and the others still hold us simply holding onto God and those delayed in helping us get them done. 

  Theres a song titled, " I will serve you while i'm waiting and yes thats what I did today but besides that I had a special conversation with a new friend too!  It seems all the prayers for one sweet little orphan are being answered. A wonderful little girl Marcos and I hosted in Russia has a family praying towards her possible adoption! This was great news and frankly, I needed it. God you are so kind and even in discouragement you pick us up, wipe our tears and make us smile. Praise be to God.

Our Focus Today; Learning to love our soon to be son with a fearless and worry free heart.

Comical moment; My bird while free flying uses my head as an interchange between rooms to post on then fly freely onto another room! Yes she is as crazy as ever!

God Moment; Hearing that we do the best we can then we leave the rest to God. God has revealed through His word that He will carry our fears, doubt and worry so we can live with glad hearts, not sad hearts. Song. " are sacred you are treasured you are His"

Love you guys! God Bless your evening and remember to pray over your kids, it changes everything.